The Walking Dead Immersive Experience
The walking dead immersive experience for wowbagger productions/the wellcome trust
Sara Kenney of Wowbagger Productions assembled the same team as created The Wicked + Divine Immersive Experience to create the official The Walking Dead Immersive Experience at Thoughtbubble Comic Con. This year we got the comic-reading public to think about fear; why we feel it and what it does for us. Players had 10 minutes in each zone to chat with scientists and a historian who were each in character as someone who was surviving in the zombie ravaged world of The Walking Dead comics universe. Through both the lenses of The Walking Dead’s themes and each expert’s specialism, the players’ examined the evolutionary roots of human fear, how the fear of exclusion from society depends on what a society considers ‘normal’ and that norms shift throughout history, that our microbiomes and what we eat can determine how much fear you feel and the final question of can an AI ever truly feel fear.
This event lasted two days over the Thoughtbubble convention weekend and was funded by The Wellcome Trust, The Arts Council and The Biochemical Society.
Unable to attach anything to the walls in the space, I planned out a modular ‘lighting rig’ to hang walls, speakers and lighting from so we could control the space. To be portable we used folding gazebos, curtain poles and weighted fabric for the construction.